The Role of Other Countries in the Peace Process in Mindanao, Philippines


The pursuit of lasting peace and stability in Mindanao, Philippines has long been a priority for the Philippine government and various stakeholders involved in the conflict resolution efforts. Recognizing the complexity of the conflict and the need for external support, this thesis delves into the role of other countries in the peace process in Mindanao.

While the primary responsibility for resolving internal conflicts rests with the Philippine government and local actors, international engagement and mediation have played a significant role in facilitating dialogue, building trust, and promoting sustainable peace. This research aims to explore the contributions and challenges faced by other countries in supporting the peace process in Mindanao.

By analyzing diplomatic efforts, development assistance, and capacity-building initiatives provided by external actors, this study seeks to shed light on the multifaceted nature of international involvement in conflict resolution. Additionally, it examines the lessons learned, best practices, and potential areas for improvement in the context of foreign participation in the peace process.

Ultimately, this thesis contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics of international engagement in conflict resolution and offers insights to policymakers, peacebuilders, and stakeholders involved in achieving lasting peace and reconciliation in Mindanao, Philippines.